Traveling With Your Dog
Bringing your pooch on the road with you just adds to the fun. Keep in mind that most cars are not designed with dogs in mind. By planning your travel ahead of time, you can make the vacation a truly relaxing experience for you and your four-legged friend.
It’s natural to feel bad about putting your dog inside a crate. After all, you wouldn’t want to go inside one either. But don’t panic, most dogs don’t mind the crate and some even feel safer inside one. One of the most important things you can do is to make sure your dog has been well exercised before he goes inside the crate. If you pup is tired, he will be more inclined to rest. Make sure you bring your pooch’s favorite blanket or toy, this will comfort and relax him.
Going for short walks during stops will make your dog be in relaxed state during a long trip. Make sure your dog carries all his identifications on his collar in the case he gets lost. A led collar is recommended if you need to walk your dog along a highway or transited road, and specially after the sun goes down.
And the most important thing! make sure that the hotel you are considering allows pets. It is better to find out before you arrive. Many pet friendly hotels like Best Western will be prepared for your arrival. They even will recommend parks, trails, and other activities to share with your dog. Enjoy your trip!

Juanita Strang has decided to take a break from the rat race and travel for two years. She is an avid traveler, but first she had to earn enough money to fund her adventure. She was born in America but now lives in Australia with her husband. Together they have three children who are all growing up fast!