Jedd Johnson
Jedd Johnson restored my faith in humanity. I met him and his beautiful family while I was in Venice Beach California in 2016. I just lost my wallet and needed to get back to my air bnb, I must have asked 15 people for $15 for a cab ride, I didn’t even ask him, but he saw me struggling. He opened his uber app and booked me a ride. It was one of those times where I couldn’t think up the way to tell him how grateful I was. Here is my little way of saying thanks, by posting on my blog. I just want to give you a kiss Jedd Johnson! It was interesting to see all the crazy people on Venice Beach, there was muscle beach, the guy in the roller blades playing the guitar, the guy with the heavy ball that rolls it all over his body, the guy who anti-climactically jumps on glass, the guys who do flips over people and breakdance. People are riding their bikes all up and down the beachfront, it is an amazing and ridiculous place.

Juanita Strang has decided to take a break from the rat race and travel for two years. She is an avid traveler, but first she had to earn enough money to fund her adventure. She was born in America but now lives in Australia with her husband. Together they have three children who are all growing up fast!